November 7, 2021

>Hello World. Meet HEX Ed.

Jeanette Cheah 🇦🇺🇲🇾🇺🇸
>Hello World. Meet HEX Ed.

I’m proud to announce that HEX Ed (the ultimate lockdown project!) is LIVE.

Since 2017, HEX has been launching epic careers and empowering a generation of young leaders to create the world they want to live in.

Our future-focused and startup-themed education experiences are backed by leading industry and accredited by world-class universities.

Now, we are launching two category-changing education products. They speak directly to the needs of students and also to an industry crying out for talent.

  1. HEX Ed - A fully asynchronous, uni-accredited ‘professional gap year’ product.
  2. HEX World - A supportive digital community infrastructure and ready-made global network.

Recently, the Tech Council of Australia announced a roadmap to fill 1 million tech jobs by 2025. Our learning design partner, Atlassian Foundation, is thinking even bigger: to help 10 million disadvantaged youth get ready for a tech-enabled workforce.

We see a future where millions of students worldwide start with HEX.

I believe HEX Ed is category changing, and an ‘education API’ into the future.

HEX Ed in a nutshell

  • Designed for students, with students. HEX Ed is for the ‘gap year’ generation of high school leavers and uni-deferrers.
  • It’s a six-month digital experience focused on tech industry skills and futurist mindsets.
  • Our industry content is updated monthly, designed alongside experts from Atlassian, Seek, edX, Slalom – and featuring real-world tech operators and startup founders as instructors.
  • Our cohort-driven support system offers daily mentor hours, a virtual world community space, real-time events and social activities.
  • We’re backed by 15 leading universities in the US and Australia, giving students the safety net to rollover their experience for academic credit.
  • Importantly, accessible pricing and ‘enrol anytime’ access at a B2C price of $490 USD – makes higher education more accessible to millions.

Students self-author their own journey — not with our ‘permission’ but with our support.

Changing the shape of education.

I’m a future-gazer, but I’m also a realist. I know it would be easy to dismiss HEX Ed as ‘just another online course’. So here’s why I believe HEX Ed is category changing, and an ‘education API’ into the future.

A future without boundaries: HEX Ed reflects the workplace of the future. It’s flexible, peer led by community clusters, and recognises that learning comes from everywhere, not ‘top-down’. HEX Ed students are supported by a vibrant network online, within the HEX World community infrastructure.

A future beyond job titles: Instead of leading students towards fixed ‘job titles’, HEX Ed focuses on raising their overall capacity to be valuable players in the future economy. They self-author their own journey — not with our ‘permission’ but with our support. We know we’re successful at this because our alumni range from SpaceTech founders to leaders at the ATO to AR/VR designers, eco-activists, and research consultants for UN agencies.

A future without gatekeepers: Whether they want to get a job, live the digital nomad life, start a business, or go to university,  students can get started – now. Our goal is to empower them early, with multiple ‘off-ramps’. This generation is impact-focused and ready to act. They don’t believe they should wait for a degree or a job title to follow their passions, and neither do we.

This generation is impact-focused and ready to act. They don’t believe they should wait for a degree or a job title to follow their passions, and neither do we.

A future that captures imagination: What inspires someone to watch hours of crypto videos on YouTube, but procrastinate over the readings for their degree? Content relevance and user experience. By listening to our students,  opening doors they want to walk through, and leaving space to explore, we deliver learning that doesn’t feel like a chore.

A future of authentic leadership: We believe education has to serve society, and there’s a certain kind of leader that’s needed right now. This leader is informed, curious, and has strong values. They’re unpretentious with a sense of humour. They’re a straight talker, aware of their responsibility to make a positive impact on people, society and the planet. This is the type of leadership we inspire in our students.

We see the work we do as crucial to... driving economic growth, inclusive technology, and social impact.

Why evolve now?

At HEX, we’ve always been obsessed with the exponential future. We see the work we do as crucial to raising the collective capacity of the workforce – driving economic growth, inclusive technology, and social impact.

Our goal with HEX Ed is to provide an expansion pack for students’ futures – at the pivotal point where they are choosing higher education or an entry level career. The pandemic has also sped up a lot of the trends that make HEX Ed relevant today.


HEX Ed: Innovation is now live for enrolments.

On Day 1, we’re excited to welcome students from Monash University, Deakin University, University of Southern Queensland, Western Sydney University, as well as a host of HEX alumni and supporters around the world.

If you’d like to claim your place in the very first cohort, head to

Launching soon:

  • HEX Ed: You (leadership & communication)
  • HEX Ed: Money (financial literacy & business models)
  • HEX Ed: Tech (industry credentials, intro to code & workplace tech)
  • HEX Ed: Future (ethics, impact & futurist mindsets)
  • HEX World: Boost Subscription (high-touch community access)

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